What Your Period Reveals About Your Health - Meet Your 6th Vital Sign
Did you know that your menstrual cycle is now recognized as a 6th vital sign? Until I started my deep dive into all things women’s health, I had no idea! Right up there with temperature, blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, and pain, your menstrual cycle is a critical measure of your overall health. Getting to know your cycle intimately can help you identify the root causes of hormonal imbalances not just associated with your period but throughout your entire body because it’s all connected, right?!
Ready to meet your 6th Vital Sign?
No one will ever know your body as well as you do; you’re living in it 24/7! You have the power to take that knowledge to an even deeper level by tracking and charting your cycle so you can gather the information you need to peel back the layers and address any hormonal imbalances that might be going on. Additionally, consistent, quantified data that comes with regular cycle tracking can go a long way when you need to see healthcare providers that may not have a robust knowledge of women’s hormones.
Start to think of your cycle as a messenger. All those symptoms you believe are unavoidable, like monthly cramps, headaches, bloating, acne, etc., are signs that your hormones might be out of whack. These unpleasant symptoms show you how well your systems are running. If the feedback coming in is sub-par, the cramps and headaches you continue to shrug off could lead to more severe issues that force you to pay attention to down the line - something we all want to avoid.
As a reminder, your menstrual cycle isn’t just when you have your period; it’s the entire time (roughly 25-35 days) between Day 1 of your period through to when your next period starts. Wondering what you should be looking for as indicators that things are on-track or ready to de-rail?? I’ve got you covered!
A Healthy Menstrual Cycle:
Typically 25-35 days in length
It does not vary in length month-to-month by more than four days
Minimal spotting before period (think 1-2 days)
Period (bleeding) length of 3-7 days
Average blood loss of 60ml or less (go ahead, measure some water to get a visual!)
Red in color (there are many shades) with minimal clots
Signs Your Period Might be Trying to Tell You Something:
Long cycles (think 35 days or more apart)
Short cycles (less than 25 days apart)
Skipped periods
Skipped ovulation (tracking basal body temp + cervical mucus will help you identify this)
Heavy periods or flooding
Light periods
Spotting or bleeding between periods
Period or ovulation pain (requires pain relief and interferes with daily life)
These period problems might seem small and annoying, or maybe they are ruining your life for part of the month; either way, ignoring the messages your 6th vital sign is sending you might leave you with even more significant problems to face down the line.
Get to Know Your Flow
The first step in optimizing your practice based on your cycle is getting to know your body a little better through cycle tracking.
If cycle tracking is new to you, check out my blog here. Basically, you’ll be recording when your period begins and ends, the number of bleeding days and their intensity as well as any spotting in your cycle.
To Wrap Things Up
Getting to know your cycle is the first step towards addressing these problems at the root level, not with band-aid quick fixes (yes, I’m talking about hormonal birth control) but with lifestyle shifts and integrative approaches to health and well-being that support the whole body in optimal functioning.
Start by acknowledging and validating what you are experiencing each month, then trust and respect what your body is trying to tell you.
ACOG|Clinical. “Menstruation in girls and adolescents: using the menstrual cycle as a vital sign.” Committee Opinion. 2020.