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Will The Period Yogi work for me if I am on hormonal birth control (HBC)?
While taking HBC your hormones are essentially ‘offline’, so your body is not cycling through the four phases of menstruation. That said, you could certainly follow the moon phases we provide for women who aren’t menstruating.
What if I have an IUD?
Again, you’d be following the moon phases as your hormones are ‘offline’ while on HBC, additionally we recommend consulting with your doctor before practicing the abdominal compress and release techniques used in some classes.
What if I am Perimenopausal or Post Menopause with erratic or absent periods?
Staying connected to a cyclical practice can be centering and grounding at these phases of life. We correspond all of our Phases classes to the moon cycle as well, be sure to check out our blog post (link here) on using the moon phases as your guide to cyclical practice.
Do I need any special equipment?
While you might be able to source yoga prop substitutes from your home as you get started, when you’re ready to upgrade we recommend having:
Mat with good grip and cushion (we love BMat)
Two yoga blocks
Yoga strap
Eye pillow (I mean why not?!)