You Can Cycle Track Even If You’re Not Menstruating!

Here’s How

You Can Cycle Track Even If You’re Not Menstruating!

Cycle tracking is a great way to monitor our overall health and connect to our natural rhythms. This is often done by recording your physical and emotional symptoms during each of the four phases of your menstrual cycle.

However, there are certain situations when you may not have a period, but would still like to honor your natural cycle. Some times when your period might be absent are:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding

  • Using hormonal birth control

  • Hysterectomy

  • Amenorrhoea

  • Perimenopause

  • Menopause

You may also identify as a woman but not bleed. This doesn’t mean that you can’t connect to the feminine cycles. (If you’re curious about what exactly cycle tracking is and why it’s so awesome, you can read about that here.)

The universe has bestowed on us a very useful tool in connecting to our cycle whether we menstruate or not- the Moon!

The Moon cycle is 29.5 days long which is incredibly similar to the average menstrual cycle length of 28 days (this can vary woman to woman and cycle to cycle, with a healthy range falling somewhere between 25-35 days).

In each of the Moon’s phases there are qualities that reflect those of the menstrual cycle phases so by aligning with the Moon, you can, in essence, create your own connection to your cycle and with nature.

So what are these phases, when do they happen and what can we be doing to align with them? Here’s the breakdown:

Cycle Tracking with the Phases of the Moon

Each phase of the lunar cycle relates to a phase of the menstrual cycle. By familiarizing yourself with these different stages and paying attention to the different phases of the Moon, you can connect to your own natural rhythms and make self-care choices based on the energy of each phase.

New Moon

During a New Moon, the Sun and Moon are aligned at the same degree. This is when the Moon is at its darkest and can barely be seen, if at all. The New Moon is related to the menstruation phase and is usually a time of lower, more subdued energy.

This is a great time to set intentions and to tune in to what your soul is desiring. Manifest your deepest desires and dreams, plant the seeds of intentions and visualize what you want to call into your life as though it were already there.

Carve out space and quiet time in your schedule so you can get silent enough for your deeper desires to manifest. Notice your feelings and energy level at this time, and track them, compiling this information over time may show you patterns that will allow you to arrange your life in a way that supports your cyclical ebbs and flows.

Waxing Moon

During the waxing phase, the Moon appears brighter and larger each night as it heads toward full. This lunar phase relates to the follicular portion of the feminine cycle.

In the previous phase, you planted your seeds of intention, desire and hope. Now is the time to cultivate and nurture those seeds so they can reach their full potential. This is a time to take purposeful action in pursuit of your heart's desires and to follow through on the steps you need to take to allow those deepest desires to come to realization.

Note how you are feeling at this time. Inspired? Energized? Overwhelmed? Be sure to record what you’re feeling emotionally and physically.

Full Moon

This is when the Sun and Moon are opposing each other in the sky and the Moon is reflecting the Sun’s light back to us on Earth. The Full Moon is related to the ovulatory phase and both are seen as times of higher energy.

This is a time for reflection and taking inventory of what needs letting go or releasing. This could be limiting beliefs that might be holding you back or bad habits that might be sidetracking you from reaching your goals.

The Moon is fully illuminated allowing us to see what’s not working or serving us in our lives so that we can begin to make the changes necessary towards manifesting our greatest desires and carving out our dream life.

Notice any changes in energy or mood during this phase especially with the full illumination of light perhaps affecting circadian rhythms and sleep cycles. Be sure to write it down!

Waning Moon

Now we are coming down from the Full Moon crescendo and the Moon will begin to appear a bit less illuminated each night on its way back to new. The energy of this phase relates to the luteal cycle.

This is a time to check back in with where you are at in the pursuit of your desires and manifestations. What has come to fruition and what needs more attention? It’s also a time to wrap up any unfinished projects and loose ends and release anything that’s not serving you, a de-cluttering of sorts.

That could look like going to bed at an earlier time to cultivate more energy throughout the day or setting boundaries with phone/tv usage so you have time to pursue other interests that light you up. Check in with your energy and emotions and be sure to record them.

Extra Tips

There you have it! If you’re like well, what now? Here’s a few quick and easy actions you can take right now to start connecting to the lunar cycle:

Look up and write in your calendar when the New and Full Moon are occurring

Know that the time between New and Full is waxing and the time between Full and New is waning.

Record your shifting energy and emotions throughout the month, this can be as simple as writing one word down!

Set intentions, call in desires, plant the seeds on the New Moon

Release what’s not serving you on the Full Moon.

Chart on my friends!

And remember that all of the classes on The Period Yogi are designed to work synergistically with anyone living a cyclical life, whether you are following the lunar cycle or your menstrual cycle.


How Many Phases are In My Menstrual Cycle?


Cycle Tracking 101 for Complete Newbies